Saving the Date!

One of the first things we did once we chose our venue was design our Save the Dates. There were a lot of designs online that I liked but I decided to do my own and have them printed as photos for 12 cents a piece! Luckily, Michael’s aunt provided us with some amazing photos of us on the golf course where we met before we moved! (Yes, that’s the same golf course where he found Missy-He is not allowed to bring home any more cute girls from golf courses)I wanted to write this post post back in the fall when we were actually doing out Save the Dates but I didn’t want to ruin the surprise for anyone. Here’s the final result and another design that almost made the cut.

Here's the final result!

Here’s the final result!

This one almost made the cut!

This one almost made the cut!

Having these bad boys printed was the easy part! It wasn’t until I ruined my first 5 envelopes by trying to hand write names and addresses that I downloaded a cute font and busted out the printer. So now the special pens that I bought at Michael’s are sitting unused in the junk drawer. Sitting for a few hours hand feeding sparkly envelopes into our printer wasn’t half as bad as I thought it would be. Little did I know that once it was time to do the invitations that I’d really be in trouble! So far, I have spent two Saturday mornings on the floor hand feeding envelope after envelope into the printer to print a new address on each one(and I’m still not done).

Speaking of invitations. These are a whole ‘nother story! Clearly I am a deliriously-crazy bride with no life because I am making my invitations by hand (well mostly by hand). I swear I’m not an over achiever  I’m just trying to have champagne invitations on a beer invitation budget. I found some amazing invitations on Pinterest (Where else?) but they were $13 dollars a piece! That doesn’t include the two envelopes, response cards, stamps, info cards, and more stamps….So after I had a heart attack, I had the same thought that a lot of people have when they are on Pinterest- “I can DIY that!”

I don’t want to give away too much about the invite since they will be in mailboxes soon but they are going to be amazing! -or a disaster, we’ll see! I will say this though, I learned not to set sparkly card stock on the living room floor because Missy will roll around on it until she is covered in glitter and then she will jump on the couch so you have to get out the vacuum and then she will bark at the vacuum like its possessed by the devil and then she will fall asleep in your lap while you are trying to make 180 invitations…..

Here's a sneak peak at part of our invitations!

Here’s a sneak peak at part of our invitations!

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